問題一:插艾草英語怎麼寫 suspend the artemisia掛艾草,插艾草
suspend the artemisia over the door艾草掛門上
Artemisia has many an alternative name.
艾草的英語名稱Artemisia,來自摩索拉斯王的妻子,她的名字正是Artemisia。被譽為世界七大奇跡之一的摩索拉斯陵墓,建於大約公元前353年,位於曾經為波斯屬地Caria 的地方,今小亞細亞西南部。
The English name for 「艾草」 is Artemisia, deriving from the name of the wife of Mausolus: Artemisia. The Mausoleum is the renowned shrine of Mausolus among the seven wonders of the ancient world, erected approximately 353 B.C., and is situated in the ancient city of Caria, once the vassal of Persia, and presently the south-west region of Anatolia.
Every time the Dra搐on Boat Festival es around, each family relishes tying Artemisia into a *** all bunch in red paper and suspending it over the door to ward off evil spirits.
艾草的英語別名之一是wormwood。英國作家C?S?路易斯(1898-1963)在其《地獄來鴻》(The Screwtape Letters,1942年)中,給其主要人物之一命名為wormwood。該主要人物是一個魔鬼。
One of the alternative names in English for Artemisia is Wormwood. The British author C.S. Lewis ( 1898-1963) in his novel The Screwtape Letters ( 1942) gave the name Wormwood to a devil who is the protagonist of the novel.
問題二:插艾葉的 英文 艾草:Ay tsao
問題三:端午節當天人們在門上插艾草 祈禱平安用英語怎麼翻譯 on the dragon boat festival people always suspend the artimisa over the door ,praying for safety of the whole family
問題四族悔:為什麼端午節要插艾草和菖蒲呢英文回答 端午節在門口插菖蒲即是民間傳說的驅邪壁障之功效,實際上也有防病的作用。
全部釋義和例句>>The Dragon Boat Festival in the doorway is the calamus folklore evil barrier effect, actually also...
The Dragon Boat Festival in the doorway is the calamus folklore evil barrier effect, actually also has the effect of preventing and.
問題五:插艾葉的傳說,詳細點兒。 農歷五月五日是端午節。在這一天,家家戶戶不僅要吃粽子,還要在家門口掛上艾葉。關於掛艾葉還有這樣一個傳說。
問題六:插艾葉的簡單詩句 ,用在開頭 《端午家集二首》年代: 宋 作者: 曾豐
問題七:為什麼要插艾葉? 端午節門前插艾葉,如重陽插茱萸一樣,是我國民間盛傳已久的風俗,至今仍在不少農村延續著。以艾葉「懸於戶上,可攘毒氣」,是古福對端午插艾機理的科學認識。金代詞人范成大《竹葉歌》曰:「五月五日氣嵐開,南門競船爭看來」,正是對端午采艾的通俗解釋。 因此時處於小滿與夏至之間,值陰陽交接時,也正是多種傳染病的好發之時,預防疾病是當務之急。恰巧自然界艾花未開而枝葉茂,其有效的葯物成分便被民眾所充分利用起來。由此可見,端午采艾插艾習俗從衛生學看來也是大有道理的。難怪有人說端午節也是我國古代的衛生節。
2、端午節當天人們在門上插艾草 祈禱平安用英語怎麼翻譯
on the dragon boat festival people always suspend the artimisa over the door ,praying for safety of the whole family
問題一:用英語說熏艾草要翻譯 熏艾草
Smoked wormwood
Every year my family hangs Ay Tsao on their front door.
The wrapper of Qingming fruit is made from squeezed wormwood, rice andglutinous rice.
問題二:端午節掛的艾草用英語怎麼說 簡介 【物種名稱】 艾草【別 名】 冰台、遏草、香艾、蘄艾、艾蒿、艾、灸草、醫草、黃草、艾絨【拉丁學名】 Artemisia princeps 【英文名稱】 Asiatic 憨ormwood
問題三:插艾草英語怎麼寫 suspend the artemisia掛艾草,插艾草
suspend the artemisia over the door艾草掛門上
Artemisia has many an alternative name.
艾草的英語名稱Artemisia,來自摩索拉斯王的妻子,她的名字正是Artemisia。被譽為世界七大奇跡之一的摩索拉斯陵墓,建於大約公元前353年,位於曾經為波斯屬地Caria 的地方,今小亞細亞西南部。
The English name for 「艾草」 is Artemisia, deriving from the name of the wife of Mausolus: Artemisia. The Mausoleum is the renowned shrine of Mausolus among the seven wonders of the ancient world, erected approximately 353 B.C., and is situated in the ancient city of Caria, once the vassal of Persia, and presently the south-west region of Anatolia.
Every time the Dra搐on Boat Festival es around, each family relishes tying Artemisia into a *** all bunch in red paper and suspending it over the door to ward off evil spirits.
艾草的英語別名之一是wormwood。英國作家C?S?路易斯(1898-1963)在其《地獄來鴻》(The Screwtape Letters,1942年)中,給其主要人物之一命名為wormwood。該主要人物是一個魔鬼。
One of the alternative names in English for Artemisia is Wormwood. The British author C.S. Lewis ( 1898-1963) in his novel The Screwtape Letters ( 1942) gave the name Wormwood to a devil who is the protagonist of the novel.
問題四:艾葉養生足療英語翻譯怎麼說 艾葉養生足療
Leaves foot massage.
Leaves foot massage
問題五:艾葉英文名 【英 文 名】rgy Wormwood Leaf
【拉 丁 名】Folium Artemisiae Argyi
問題六:端午節當天人們在門上插艾草 祈禱平安用英語怎麼翻譯 on the dragon boat festival people always suspend the artimisa over the door ,praying for safety of the whole family
問題七:用英語說熏艾草要翻譯 熏艾草
Smoked wormwood
Every year my family hangs Ay Tsao on their front door.
The wrapper of Qingming fruit is made from squeezed wormwood, rice andglutinous rice.
問題八:端午節掛的艾草用英語怎麼說 簡介 【物種名稱】 艾草【別 名】 冰台、遏草、香艾、蘄艾、艾蒿、艾、灸草、醫草、黃草、艾絨【拉丁學名】 Artemisia princeps 【英文名稱】 Asiatic 憨ormwood
問題九:插艾草英語怎麼寫 suspend the artemisia掛艾草,插艾草
suspend the artemisia over the door艾草掛門上
Artemisia has many an alternative name.
艾草的英語名稱Artemisia,來自摩索拉斯王的妻子,她的名字正是Artemisia。被譽為世界七大奇跡之一的摩索拉斯陵墓,建於大約公元前353年,位於曾經為波斯屬地Caria 的地方,今小亞細亞西南部。
The English name for 「艾草」 is Artemisia, deriving from the name of the wife of Mausolus: Artemisia. The Mausoleum is the renowned shrine of Mausolus among the seven wonders of the ancient world, erected approximately 353 B.C., and is situated in the ancient city of Caria, once the vassal of Persia, and presently the south-west region of Anatolia.
Every time the Dra搐on Boat Festival es around, each family relishes tying Artemisia into a *** all bunch in red paper and suspending it over the door to ward off evil spirits.
艾草的英語別名之一是wormwood。英國作家C?S?路易斯(1898-1963)在其《地獄來鴻》(The Screwtape Letters,1942年)中,給其主要人物之一命名為wormwood。該主要人物是一個魔鬼。
One of the alternative names in English for Artemisia is Wormwood. The British author C.S. Lewis ( 1898-1963) in his novel The Screwtape Letters ( 1942) gave the name Wormwood to a devil who is the protagonist of the novel.
問題十:艾葉養生足療英語翻譯怎麼說 艾葉養生足療
Leaves foot massage.
Leaves foot massage
In order to get rid of evil and remove filth and keep healthy ring the Dragon Boat Festival, moxa weed bath is used. This custom has been handed down directly.
After entering May of the lunar calendar, the weather is extremely hot and rainy, people are prone to disease, the natural climate is easy to breed snakes, insects, mice and ants, as well as a variety of pathogens, further aggravating the spread of disease. In ancient times, because of the underdevelopment of science, people called May of the lunar calendar, which is prone to illness, as "May of Toxicity".
During the Dragon Boat Festival, people regard inserting mugwort and calamus as one of the important contents. Every house was sprinkled with calamus and mugwort on its eyebrows and hung in the hall. And calamus, mugwort, pomegranate, garlic, dragon boat flowers, made into human or tiger-shaped, known as Airen, Aihu; made into garlands, ornaments, beautiful fragrance, women scramble to wear, in order to dispel the disease.
1、Dragon Boat Festival:端午節
2、Dragon boat race:賽龍舟
3、Sticky rice:糯米
4、 Wrapped in a piece of leaf / Wrapped in leaves:包在葉子里
5、Rice mpling:粽子
6、To commemorate Qu Yuan:為了紀念屈原
7、Hang artemisia leaves:掛艾草葉
8、Drink realgar wine:喝雄黃酒
賽龍舟Dragon-boat Racing,掛香包Hang Sachet,吃粽子Eating zongzi,掛艾草Hanging wormwood。
The traditional festival is dragon boat racing, sachet hanging, zongzi eating and mugwort hanging
The Dragon Boat Festival, the 5th day of the 5th lunar month, has had a history of more than 2,000 years. It is usually in June in the Gregorian calendar.
粽子tsung-tse:Glutinous rice filled with meat, nuts or bean paste and wrapped in bamboo leaves. It is associated with Dragon Boat Festival with historical meaning.The custom of eating zongzi is now popular in North and South Korea, Japan and Southeast Asian nations.
端午節喝什麼?「櫻桃桑椹與菖蒲,更買雄黃酒一壺。」端午節嘗試一下雄黃酒吧。Alts drink Xiong Huang Wine, which can fend off evil spirits.
端午節玩什麼? 「鼓聲三下紅旗開,兩龍躍出浮水來。棹影斡波飛萬劍,鼓聲劈浪鳴千雷。」端午節最應景的節目就是賽龍舟。「Dragon boat racing is an indispensable part of the festival, held all over the country. As the gun is fired, people will see racers in dragon-shaped canoes pulling the oars harmoniously and hurriedly, accompanied by rapid drums, speeding toward their destination.
端午節戴什麼?端午節最有特色的飾物就是香包(sachet)。小孩佩戴香包,傳說有避邪驅瘟之意。On Dragon Boat Festival, parents also need to dress their children up with a perfume pouch. They first sew little bags with colorful silk cloth, then fill the bags with perfumes or herbal medicines, and finally string them with silk threads. The perfume pouch will be hung around the neck or tied to the front of a garment as an ornament. They are said to be able to ward off evil.
端午節掛什麼?「不效艾符趨習俗,但祈蒲酒話昇平。」掛艾葉菖蒲hang branches of moxa and calamus around the doors of their homes 和懸鍾馗像display portraits of evil's nemesis, Chung Kuei都是為了驅疾避凶,討個吉利。
簡介 【物種名稱】 艾草【別 名】 冰台、遏草、香艾、蘄艾、艾蒿、艾、灸草、醫草、黃草、艾絨【拉丁學名】 Artemisia princeps 【英文名稱】 Asiatic wormwood