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發布時間: 2023-06-09 07:30:53


A:Hi,there! What can i help you today?
B:...emmmm...I wanna buy a present for my grandma's birthday.
A:Do you have anything in mind? i suggest thiswoollen carf. it's good for old ladies, especially in winter.
B:but that's what i gave her last year.
A:oh,okay.let's find out some thing else.
(C is paasing by)
C:hi,B! what a surprise to meet you here!
B:hey,C! long time no see! how's going?
C:everything is fine! what are you doing here?'
B:I'm looking for a present for my grandma's birthday and i just can't make up my mind!
C:What did you give her last year?
B:A woollen scarf.
C:Well then, perhaps this year you should bring her a pair of gloves?
B:excellent ideas! Thanks,C!
C:you're welcom~ see ya~

A:so, if you are looking for gloves, i'll suggest this one. it's warm, rable, and it's on sale this week!
B:sounds perfect. i'll get it then~
A:25 dollars, please.
B:And would you please gift wrap that?
A:Here you are, sir/madam.
B:Thank you very much.

(B goes to home)
B:Mom! I'm back!
D:welcome home, my son!
B:guess what,mom. I just broght a present for grandma.
D:oh, great! waht is it?
B:it's a secret~~

(on grandma's birthday party)
B:grandma, this is for you!
(B brings out the gift)
E:oh, my! it's such a adorable present! Thank you so much, my dear.
B:I love you grandma.
E:I love you, too.

呼呼 終於寫完了 完全原創哦 嚴禁盜版~~
用詞有些簡單 不過是對話嘛 不應該很難吧~


a: I just got the invitation to (name) birthday on (date).我剛剛得到某個人的生日邀請。
b,c,d,e:yes, we got it as well.(我們也得到了)
a: you do guys have any ideas what we should give her/him as birthday presents?(你們有什麼建議我們應該准備什麼東西給他嗎?)
b:not yet, but i was thinking i could give her/him a bear or something,cause i heard her saying she likes animal toys.(我還沒有,但是我在想我可以給他一個玩具熊,應為我聽見他說他喜歡動物玩具)
c:i have already prepared for her,haha, i made a card within which i paint a little bit inside. and i made a cake for her/him. since i know she/he likes straberry kind, i made the outside layer strawberry flavored and the second layer chocolate flavor and filled the most inside full of pineapple which i know it is her/ his favorate.(我已經為他准備好了,我為他親自作了生日卡還畫了一點畫在里邊,和作了一個蛋糕給他,我知道他喜歡草莓味的東西,我把最外邊的做成了草莓味,把中間做成了巧克力味,最裡面的是填滿了他最喜歡的菠蘿)
d:that sounds like you have made some efford on it, best friend huh.(聽起來你是費了很多功夫嘛,怪不得說死黨呢)9
e:i really don't know what should i prepare, plus you guys have already prepared for everything. (我真的不知道我該送什麼,你們什麼都准備了)
a: what about singing a song at his/her birthday party or having a dance for him/her, i imagine he/she would be so happy to see it plus it would be so supprising to her.(准備唱歌歌,或者跳個舞在他的生日派對上,那一定很精彩,他也肯定會喜歡)
b: huh, that sounds like a plan, but don't you like public speaking? if so, you can just write a letter or draw something for her/him as long as it is made by you.(那挺好的,但是你不是不喜歡公眾表演嗎,如果是這樣的話,你可以寫封信或者畫個畫之類的呀,只要是你親手做的就可以了)
e:i will think about it then.(好吧我想想吧)
d: haha,mine must be the suprising one among you guys. i comprised a song for her/him. you know happy birthday song was comprised by a little girl who didn't have any money, maybe my song will become hot in the future. (哈哈,我的禮物肯定是最令人驚喜的,我寫了首歌給他,你們知道生日快樂歌是一個沒有錢准備禮物的小女孩寫的吧,說不定我的個以後也能傳遍大街小巷呢)
a: altight, guys, let's hit it. (好吧,各位,我們各自去准備吧)

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